"...Because you know what? It's not enough to elect Latino leadership if they're supporting legislation that denies the undocumented drivers' licenses, they don't belong in office friend, they don't belong here."
After Conspiring with Mexican President Zedillo to kill the appeal of Prop 187 to prevent it from reaching the U.S. supreme court, Villaraigosa must have thought of himself as all nine United States supreme court judges when he declared:
"...Well the will of the people is something that all of us have to respect, but when the will of the people has been ruled unconstitutional, the will of the people is null and void."
Antonio Villaraigosa hangs out with Art Torres.
Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party shouted these racist remarks to an audience of prominent Latino figures and politicians including Antonio Villaraigosa
"We need to concentrate and help those organizations like one stop with Juan Jose Gutierrez and ... Americana with Bert Corona, any organization that helps make citizens. Power is not given to you, you have to take it! People say to me when I was on the senate floor when I was in the senate, why do you fight so hard for affirmative action programs. And I tell my white colleagues: because you're gonna need them. Remember, 187 is the last gasp of white America."
In a speech to prominent Latino organizations in Chicago in 1997, President Zedillo made this outrages statement which implied that the U.S. was actually a part of Mexico.
"There are those who are saying they're concerned because we are Latinizing Los Angeles, that there are too many Mexicans here, we're the biggest..., that we're the biggest national security threat to the United States. I love it! Estan cagando cabrones miedo (The bastards are shitting with fear). I love it!"
Antonio Villaraigosa hangs out with California Assemblyman Gilbert Cedillo
Gilbert Cedillo believes that illegal aliens were "here" (California) first because California was once a part of Mexico -- Cedillo thinks U.S. citizens take a back seat to mexican citizens:
Interviewer: "These people (illegal aliens) are here to stay, they're not going away"
Cedillo: "There's no question about it, they were here first, they're here now, they're fully integrateded into the economy. I don't think we want them to leave."
Antonio Villaraigosa hangs out with
L.A. County Supervisor Gloria Molina
At the 1997 Southwest Voter Registration Education Project meeting, where Antonio Villaraigosa was present, Gloria Molina had this to say as to why Latinos should register to vote:
"Our vote is gonna be important, but I gotta tell you, there's a lot of people that are saying, I'm gonna go out there and vote because I wanna PAY THEM BACK"
Antonio Villaraigosa hangs out with
Mario Obledo
Villaraigosa's close friend Mario Obledo, co-founder of MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund) and winner of the 1998 Presidential Medal of Freedom, awarded by President Clinton, made these racist remarks on the Tom Leykis talk show on 6/17/98 and on the Ray Briem talk show on 6/17/98. Asked by Ray Briem if he thought that the statement was racist, Obledo said "No, because that's a reality. California is going to be inhabited mostly by Hispanics.
"We're going to take over all the political institutions of California, in five years, we're going to be the majority population in this state. California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn't like it should leave" and "Well, if they (Anglos) don't like Mexicans they ought to leave. They ought to go back to Europe."
Antonio Villaraigosa hangs out with
Vicky Castro
Antonio Villaraigosa hangs out with fellow MEChA alumnus Vicky Castro, Los Angles Unified School District board member and fervent "Raza" advocate, who still believes in the dream of taking back "Aztlan." Although Castro's statements may seem symbolic and innocuous to some, it should be noted that extensive archive research could not find that Castro ever praised America. At a Southwest Voter Registration Education Project meeting, where Antonio Villaraigosa was present, Vicky Castro had this to say:
"I was a high school walk-outer and I was part of the Chicano movement. So part of my dream has always been to be in front of a Latino crowd and say... and be able to say, 'Good morning Aztlan.' Que viva la Raza, Que viva la Raza!"