August 18, 2000

In checking your updated website, I noticed that you virtually accused Antonio Villaraigosa of being a communist. You don't know the man and you shouldn't go around making such accusations.

Name Withheld
August 18, 2000

Thanks for the email.

Nowhere in the site will you see that I have accused Antonio Villaraigosa of being a communist. But it is Villaraigosa himself who says "tell me who you hang out with, and I'll tell you who you really are."

Antonio Villaraigosa "hangs out" with Evelina Alarcon (sister to California State Senator, Richard Alarcon) and Richard Alarcon.

Evelina Alarcon is chair of the Southern California District of the Communist Party USA and is the Secretary of its National Mexican American Equality Commission. She also writes editorials for the communist "People's Weekly World."

By his own method of assessing others, Antonio Villaraigosa leaves little doubt that he harbors Communist sentiments.

Hal Netkin
August 22, 2000

Just because they are political allies, does not mean they hang out with each other.

Name Withheld
August 24, 2000

Doesn't it?

Hal Netkin
