Unnamed Mechista: =================
Why do you have to talk so much shit about Antonio. First of all he is a good man and he is not dangerous.  And all this stuff about MECHA, get over it that was the past and it's the future that counts. People change and you can't judge people because of their past. I think your website it a bunch of BS!!!!

Hal: ==============================
You would be correct if Villaraigosa had a radical past and left it there. But Villaraigosa hasn't changed. Go to http://www.mayorno.com/VillarMot010601.html and hear him on May 31, 2001, refuse to answer a simple question as to whether he still holds to the belief of the past. Regarding what you think of my website: It is no wonder that when a person like yourself who cannot address or defend the overwhelming evidence that MEChA is a racist, separatist group, with ties to antisemitic groups, must resort to insulting remarks.

Unnamed Mechista: =================
Well what do you have to say about people thinking you are racist.

Hal: ==============================
They're wrong. The MayorNo website was founded to expose MEChA's racism. It seems that MEChA holds a monopoly on calling people who they disagree with, racists. But when I criticize MEChA for most anything, then I am characterized as a racist by them -- I don't get it! But if you see anything on my website that is evidence of me being a racist, tell me about it -- I'll own up to it.

Unnamed Mechista: =================
Your website has a lot to do with it. MECHA isn't always what people make it to be. I was part of MECHA when I was in high school. No political actions were take and was more a hang out. It's like being part of any club.

Hal: ==============================
The site was originally founded in order to prevent Antonio Villaraigosa, who I consider a separatist with allegiance to a foreign country, from becoming mayor -- hence the name "MayorNo" -- that is why so much has to do with MEChA. During the mayoral campaign, the MEChA page was the home page.

You may be a nice guy who is not basically a racist or a separatist, but if you join a "club" whose leadership espouses a racist and separatist ideology that should be repudiated, then you are an accomplice to the ideology.

Hal Netkin

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