June 9, 2001

On election night, I was watching the returns and the news representative covering an address by Antonio Villargairosa.  After he had finished the audience applauded.  Then Antionio himself began the rhythmic clapping associated with MeCha and kept it up until the entire audience was clapping with him.  I would say that was a response to Frank Mottek's question. It was a resounding YES, he is still a member YES he supports them.  LA has a breather but as the Orange County Register reported this quote by an activist "It is only a matter of time before we have the City, the State and even the entire Country."

Name Withheld
Yes, I was aware that Villaraigosa led the crowd with the MEChA clap.

In May of 1999, Speaker Villaraigosa joined Mexican President Zedillo in addressing the California Legislature. Although both men are thoroughly fluent in English, they both made their speeches in Spanish. Then Villaraigosa stood and began the Chicano handclap. Without knowing what they were doing -- as calls to their offices confirmed -- the rest of the legislators joined this spirited display of ethnic nationalism and started clapping too. Like displaying the Mexican flag, it is the MEChA trademark clap and hails Chicano power.

The activist you mention who said "It is only a matter of time before we have the City, the State and even the entire Country" is drunk with arrogance. This intoxication of invincibility by "La Raza" has been made possible by years of "race whipping" -- all opposition to their "take back" agenda is answered with accusations of racism to the point that our politicians, including many of our Republican leaders, have been hypnotized into a state of guilt which they feel can only be remedied with capitulation.

The intimidation felt by many race whipped Americans could not have been possible without a biased news media that does not report the whole truth. Case in point: in the mayoral race, the majority of the Los Angeles voters never heard of MEChA or that Villaraigosa ever had anything to do with separatism. This is because any front page talk about separatism, racism, illegal immigration, and foreign nationalism is off limits by the liberal news media when it involves a left wing extremist like Antonio Villaraigosa whose political trademark is all of the above. At the last debate at the Museum of Tolerance, when Villaraigosa was asked if he still embraced the idea of a separate (Chicano) republic, the audience thought the question was so bizarre, the started to laugh.

But not to worry! MayorNo is regrouping those of us who have been forced into our corners. MayorNo is working from the inside out. That is: being active within our community and spreading out. Villaraigosa was elected to the assembly because he got what I call, the "Paisano" vote from his district -- most of his district voted for him only because he is a Latino. Those of us who didn't live in his district couldn't vote against him. But when he tried to be our Los Angeles mayor, we could do something about it -- AND WE DID! I have gotten so much support from you folks, that I feel confident that we can keep future "take back" separatist politicians like Villaraigosa in check.

Keep up the support

Hal Netkin