Villaraigosa representative has email letter exchange with MayorNo supporter. The writer also let it be known that he was a supporter of this site.
April 11, 2001

I am an African-American whose ancestors settled in Los Angeles from the  South in the 20's and 30's seeking a better life free of the racism and  discrimination that was a fact of life in the South.

As a whole we settled in the East side of the city in the area of Adams and  Central. I remember a quiet and peaceful community, thriving in the arts,  Many Black owned businesses, a community full of pride, enjoying the American  dream.

Now when I drive through the same community I see what appears to be a third  world nation. The majority of the signs are in Spanish, which tells me that  the merchants aren't interested in my business.

Young blacks going back to the East side to visit relatives that remain there  are often threatened and harassed by this new breed of immigrants who view  blacks as foreigners entering their territory.

In my community immigration has become a form of conquest. Massive  uncontrolled migration into our community has lead to tension and conflict.  If Villaraigosa becomes mayor, these illegal immigrants, many arrogant in  their belief that they are retaking what belongs to them, will be represented  by Villaraigosa who champions their cause.  I for one, understand the need for and support effectively regulated and  sustainable legal immigration -- immigrants who assimilate into the American  culture as all immigrants in our nations history have done, but this  onslaught of illegal immigrants nurtured by Antonio Villaraigosa is a form of  takeover.

I speak and understand a little Spanish and am appalled at the frequency that  I am called the Spanish equivalent of the "N" word. For a short time I had a  relationship with a beautiful Mexican National. I was amazed at the open  hostility and racist insults we had to endure from Hispanics. We cannot allow  America to become a nation of segregated camps again. A house divided against  itself, cannot stand.

From MayorNo Supporter


From [email protected]
Dear Mr. Supporter:

Yes, we care.  Do you?  If you're spending time paying attention to "MayorNo," that is in serious question.

Mr. Villaraigosa has made it very clear in public during this campaign and for many years before that he does not support illegal immigration, he does not support separatist behavior among Latinos or anybody else, and that he works with people from every community to try to make good policy that helps everyone.

MayorNo's ongoing diatribe about the threat posed by Latinos sounds to us like the same kind of bigotry being ascribed to the Latinos themselves by your comments about stores and muttered epithets.  What constitutes a third world community?  Any one where Latinos live?  What do you think Anglos used to say about the ones where African-Americans dominate (and, unfortunately, some still say)?  Did African-Americans go out of their way to make other ethnic groups feel any more welcome than you feel when you drive by a store with Spanish language signs?

We all have a lot of baggage to rid ourselves of.  Mr. Villaraigosa feels that, as there are no longer any majority ethnicities in Los Angeles, we have an opportunity to re-think how we perceive each other and create alliances and partnerships based on our mutual needs instead of our mutual fears.

If you really care, you'll think about that before you continue to parrot the disinformation coming from paranoid immigrant-bashers.

Jim Bickhart
Villaraigosa for Mayor

In a followup email letter, Mr. Bickhart sent this:

Antonio has said over and over again in public, on television, before big groups and small, that he is proud to be an American, and that nowhere else in the world could he have had the success he's had here, especially Mexico.  Some people just can't be bothered to listen.

And what organizations, people and ideas were you in touch with 25 years ago that the rest of us should demand you publicly renounce when it really doesn't mean a damned thing?  I'm more concerned with the ideas you hold now that clearly should be renounced.

As the cliches go, get over it and get a life.  Vote for whoever you want to, or don't vote at all, but don't waste our time with this crap.


Dear [email protected] for Mayor:

Thank you for your response.

I have not said anything personally offensive to you or about Mr. Villaraigosa but your "Go to hell" attitude expressed in your second letter is very offensive to me. But if making you aware of Mr. Netkin's offer to shut down his campaign, offended you, accept my apology because I only, as I'm sure you do, have the best interest of our city in mind. But please consider that I am not running for political office therefore what I did 25 years ago is not relevant. On the other hand Mr. Villaraigosa is and therefore must submit to public scrutiny.

You suggested that you and Antonio Villaraigosa do care and because I am a visitor to the Mayorno site it calls into question whether I do!

First of all, the fact that I took time to express my concerns, is the evidence that I do care. And about Mayorno, In the America I grew up in, tolerance of opposing viewpoints are fundamentals of this Great Democratic Republic we live in, backed by the US Constitution and the blood of millions of American patriots for over two hundred years! In fact you express subtle bigotry by implying that I (a Black) am not intelligent enough to think independently!

With regard to Mr. Villaraigosa's non support of illegal immigration, separatist behavior, and his working for policies that help all:

Mr. Villaraigosa was instrumental (with the help of the president of a foreign country) in preventing Prop 187 from reaching the US Supreme Court -- a measure that California voters enacted to prevent their tax dollars from benefiting illegals. Over 60% of California voted it in. The Mexican Presedente, Antonio Villaraigosa and Grey Davis felt that every vote shouldn't count....Overuled!

Mr. Villaraigosa is for SB 60 which gives drivers licenses to illegals. Drivers licenses will give an air of legitimacy to illegals that will make enforcement of our immigration laws an even bigger joke than it is now. Guess what. The D. M. V. says that any foreign national with a drivers license from their home country can legally drive in Los Angeles anyway. So what is the real purpose of this Bill?

Mr. Villaraigosa sponsored AB 873 which indefinitely extends Food Stamps, Cash Aid and WIC to immigrants who arrived after August of 1998.

I have a flyer in my hand that targets illegals wherein it reads," You can receive Health care, Food Stamps, public housing, child care services, Cash Welfare and more without hurting your chances of getting a green card." This was printed in Spanish and English. Obviously if you don't have a green card you are not here legally! Why do I have to pay for illegal deadbeats? Shouldn't immigrants be an asset to America instead of a liability. It appears that Mr. Villaraigosa is all about importing poverty at the expense of the US taxpayers! How do you see it?

Mr. Villaraigosa supports AB 2417 (Firebaugh) Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI) and California Food Assistance Program (CFAP) Deletes the sunset dates in the California Food Assistance Program (CFAP) and the Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI) to make both programs available to eligible immigrants, regardless of date of entry. Mr. Villaraigosa knows full well, that our absurd privacy laws, illegals will qualify as well.

What the hell is going on! Villaraigosa knows that these seemingly innocent bills encourage "chain" immigration and would present a high tax burden to the already overpopulated and overtaxed citizens (and legal aliens) of California.

Mr. Villaraigosa supports Special order #40 that prevents police from assisting the INS in apprehending criminal alien gang members, even though he knows that the 1994 Immigration Reform Act says that they may. What's the use of having laws if we don't enforce them and law enforcement that can't do their job? Hypocrisy and double standards is the reason our young people are so cynical about the political process. The laws on the books should be enforced and not selectively!

Mr. Villaraigosa participated in the Washington, DC rally where he demanded amnesty for the 13 million or more illegal aliens presently residing in the U.S. At the rally, where Mexican Flags were everywhere, Villaraigosa made no bones about his Mexican nationalism, saying in Spanish, "today, I feel proud to be Mexican!" with no mention of being proud to be an American. Mr. Villaraigosa's politics and loyalties seem to be one sided. Unlike Mayor Tom Bradley who championed the interest of the city at large, even enduring criticism from many blacks, being called Uncle Tom Bradley. I never heard Tom Bradley say "I'm proud to be African" or rally with Louis Farakan, or the Black Panther Party!

Name Withheld