March 3, 2001

Mr. Netkin,

What is wrong with us taking back OUR land that was STOLEN from us? Is it okay if the Palestinians STEAL Israel from the Jews? Hhhmm.

Think about it.

Besides Mr. Netkin, you're late, we have already begun reclaiming OUR land back. Look at your Lt. Governor, is he not Mexican? your former Assembly leader, Mr. Villaraigosa, Mexican? YES SIREEE. And that's just the beginning. I believe Mr. Villaraigosa will be the next Honorable Mayor of L.A. (short for Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles) a SPANISH name that was given by the Mexican people that lived here BEFORE you were here.

As for your question, Am I A Racist? I agree, you're not - You're an ignorant BIGOT!

A Mexican


March 4, 2001

Dear Mexican:

I will not dignify any communications with you, as your email letter tells us all we need to know about you. You have exemplified my take on MECHA and the Raza movement -- thank you! you have made my case against Antonio Villaraigosa!

BTW: A bigot is one who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, sexual orientation, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ. Your shoes fit well. On  Tue, 31 Oct 2000, you showed your intolerance when you posted the bigoted statement below directed to someone with whose views you disagreed, on a well known "HATE MAIL" web site.

"Hey Lesbian!
Don't be mad because The Honorable Al Gore is going to beat the DUMB, cocaine addict. You RACIST, reUGLYcans make me sick! I'll send another email on November 8th laughing my ass off. See ya BIMBO."

And you have the nerve to call me a bigot and say that my website is hateful -- unbelievable.

I am posting your letter (and my comment) on the MayorNo web site for all to see.

Hal Netkin