June 14, 2000

Because he was a member of such organizations you cannot generalize that he is as racist as you labeled him. why do you not cite specific actions that support your argument? I have not belonged to either organization, nor am I familiar with Mr. Zarraigoza, but I do not base my opinions on someone's else opinion. I base my opinion on facts!

As you may already know, every organization has "bad apples". I have friends that have been in either organization, but I cannot tell you that because they joined such organization, our friendship ended.

P.S. I respect your right to voice your opinion, regardless of whether I may agree or not!!!!!!

Name Withheld
Thanks for your input.

There is nothing on my web site that has not been carefully researched. My statements are FACTUAL -- not opinion. MEChA's "El Plan de Aztlan" manifesto which starts off with reference to "brutal Gringo," is a very real document. Wouldn't you consider that document racist? Read it for yourself. While Villaraigosa says that it is a thing of the past, he steadfastly refuses to condemn that document.

If you looked at my web site you will see that I do not consider Villaraigosa an overt racist. But his refusal to repudiate Raza racist groups is not much different than complicity with them. Not only does Villaraigosa not repudiate or condemn the Aztlan cults for their part in racism, he is an active supporter of those groups -- just ask him.

Hal Netkin